New Zealand is known for its strict and comprehensive regulatory requirements to ensure food safety and product quality. The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) are responsible for food safety in New Zealand. They also protect and promote public health and safety as well as facilitate access to markets around the globe.
Xtendlife is also ISO 9001 Accredited. Our systems, processes and procedures are continuously improved to ensure we continue to deliver the highest quality and safe products.
Xtendlife has the necessary regulatory and quality certifications demonstrating our high standard of manufacturing operations that will exceed your expectations.
We are an MPI registered facility, and we undergo regular auditing by MPI of our systems, facilities, and processes to ensure we meet the requirements of our certifications under the Food Act and Animal Products Act.
Our MPI registered Risk Management Programme comprises implementing an effective Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) food safety program, including written procedures describing:
Xtendlife's dedication to food safety and quality has seen us become one of the most trusted Dietary Supplements Brands globally. Our core food safety and quality policies, staff expertise and quality management systems have been there from the start, but the continuous improvement focus and recent GMP certification will really support the company's vision to continue to provide a better way for our customers.
Xtendlife follows strict quality control procedures under our license's to ensure our products comply with New Zealand and international quality standards and actively pursues improving our quality systems according to the GMP and company policies.
Xtendlife's registrations, certifications and approvals include:
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